Key Industries


Winnipeg is the largest aerospace centre in Western Canada and third largest in the country for exports.*

StandardAero, the world’s largest independent maintenance repair and overhaul firm has its largest operation in Winnipeg. Boeing Canada Winnipeg is the largest centre for composites manufacturing in Canada. Magellan Aerospace in Winnipeg produces horizontal tails for the global F-35 program and is home to the Advanced Satellite Integration Facility.

Winnipeg has embraced Industry 4.0. Precision ADM leads the way in metal 3D printing and is the only metal additive manufacturing company in Western Canada that is certified for both medical devices and aerospace parts.

* In terms of aerospace product and parts manufacturing

  • low cost powerLow-cost renewable electricity
  • cost competitiveDiverse, stable economy
  • cost competitiveCentrally located

Red River College

Industry Highlights

  • GE Aviation Engine Testing, Research and Development Centre (TRDC) is owned by GE and operated by Standard Aero. It is the primary facility for icing and cold weather testing, as well as all-weather development, engine and equipment testing.
  • Three major and renowned post-secondary educational institutions: University of Manitoba; University of Winnipeg and Red River College feature programs that produce highly skilled workers in mechanical engineering, computer science, aircraft maintenance engineering and overhaul on of all types of aircraft.

Sector Success Stories

Boeing Canada Operations Ltd.

Boeing expanded their Murray Park Road manufacturing site by 150,000 sq. ft. to a total of 665,000 sq. ft. The expanded facility is home to new composites work for their aircraft and was developed to construct the one-piece composite acoustic inner barrel on a newly designed engine nacelle inlet.

$37,500,000 / 2013

GE Aviation Engine Testing, Research & Development Centre (TRDC)

GE completed a major upgrade that saw the wind tunnel expanded and test stands rebuilt to hold larger engines including the GE9X engine that will power Boeing’s 777X aircraft.

$26,000,000 / 2015

Magellan Aerospace

Magellan completed construction of a 6,000 square-foot advanced satellite assembly facility (ASIF) at its Winnipeg plant in partnership with the University of Manitoba. The ASIF was one of the major suppliers for the RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) that will transmit data on Canada’s land mass up to four times per day.

$3,900,000 / 2014


StandardAero completed a purchase of Airbus’s engine-repair division, Vector Aerospace and established facilities in Winnipeg to retrofit helicopter work. This includes retrofitting the building and adding new equipment and retrofitting the existing facility as well as purchasing new equipment to bring helicopter maintenance work to Winnipeg from its Richmond facility.

$7,500,000 / 2018

Fast Facts

  • 34

    Total aerospace companies
    (Winnipeg, 2023)

  • 4,232

    Total aerospace employees
    (Manitoba, 2023)

  • $7.88M

    Total aerospace GDP
    (Manitoba, 2022)

Key Network

Manitoba Aerospace

Manitoba Aerospace is a membership based, not-for-profit organization representing aerospace and defence companies and stakeholders driving the sustainable worldwide business growth of Manitoba aerospace and defence companies through collaboration, innovation, supply chain development and workforce development initiatives.

Manitoba Aviation Council

The Manitoba Aviation Council (MAC) is an organization representing the aviation community in Manitoba. MAC’s mission is to promote, facilitate and protect the development of all facets of aviation within the province of Manitoba.

West Canitest R&D Inc. (WestCaRD®) 

West Canitest R&D Inc. (WestCaRD®) is an economic development R&D corporation that leverages private industry and government investments to create technical capacity, job growth, and economic impact in the aerospace and defence, aero-engine testing, research and development, evaluation, engine repair and related industrial sectors.

Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport

Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport is the only international airport in Manitoba. It is a multi-modal facility and is one of several 24-hour airports in Canada. The airport is operated by the Winnipeg Airports Authority as part of Transport Canada’s National Airports System and is one of eight Canadian airports that have U.S. Border Pre-Clearance Facilities.

Key Companies


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Economic Development Winnipeg

Suite 810, One Lombard Place
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3B 0X3

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