Media Releases
How to search media releases
The current default setting offers users a complete list of all Media Releases made by EDW since the middle of 2010. To narrow your search, we suggest the following:
- Select the most applicable date period from the drop-down menu.
- Narrow your results by entering a keyword or phrase into the "Keyword or Phrase" form field.
- Narrow your search even more by using enclosing quotation marks (" ") around words that must all appear in that order within the title, brief or main body of the Media Release.
Important: once you’ve selected a time period from the date selector, your keyword or phrase will only be searched within the time period selected. You must select "By All Dates" from the drop-down menu to compare your keyword or phrase against all Media Releases found in the archive.

Jun 07, 2010: Take a Staycation: Celebrate Winnipeg's Uniqueness
June 7, 2010: Winnipeg, MB – Ever wonder why the Manitoba Legislative building is adorned with mythical creatures? Want to take a trip back to the Exchange District during the Roaring Twenties? Or maybe you would prefer to venture on a petite French getaway in Old Saint Boniface.

May 25, 2010: Multi-Million Dollar Fundraising Campaign Aimed at Getting More Businesses to Say YES! Winnipeg
May 25, 2010: Winnipeg, MB – The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Winnipeg Inc. Announce Expansion of Proactive Private Sector Led Approach to Economic Development.

May 13, 2010: Destination Winnipeg Returns to its Roots: Economic Development Winnipeg Inc. is Born
May 13, 2010: Winnipeg, MB – Following a comprehensive review, the organization is pleased to announce it will restructure under the original Economic Development Winnipeg Inc. name with a refined mandate and a new organizational framework.